In academia, value is linked to intellectual work. Because of this, scholars have developed formal methods of giving each other credit for their contributions.
Citations are a way of acknowledging that your work is building on the work of others who came before you. They also shine a lantern backward on the path you’ve traveled so that others can evaluate the strength of your work for themselves, and can trace the evidence and ideas that led you to your conclusions.
Plagiarism is any failure to acknowledge the work used to create your own. Sometimes this is accidental; sometimes it is born of laziness or the result of procrastination. Regardless the explanation, plagiarism is paramount to theft. It is the responsibility of the writer/content creator to ensure credit it given whenever it is due. It is therefore critical to understand what plagiarism is.
["The Plagiarism Spectrum" created by Turnitin Marketing Manager, Jason Chu ]
NMC defines plagiarism as follows:
"Plagiarism consists of offering as one’s own work, the words, ideas, or arguments of another person, without appropriate attribution by quotation, reference, or footnote. Plagiarism occurs both when the words of another are reproduced without acknowledgment, and when the ideas or arguments of another are paraphrased in such a way as to lead the reader to believe that they originated with the writer."
More information on NMC's policies governing academic integrity and the consequences of violating those policies can be found in Staff Policy D602.01, Student Rights and Responsibilities - Process.