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Public Speaking

A guide for students conducting research as part of a speech writing assignment, as well as a resource to aid in finding existing speeches and rhetorical compositions.

Reference Books

General Collection Books

Search our catalog using the words "Speeches, addresses, etc.".  There are many e-books with speeches available.

Statistical Books

Search our catalog using the word "statistics".  There are many e-books with statistics available.

Speeches Websites

  • American Rhetoric

    Easy-to-use, searchable reference database of more than 5,000 full-text, audio, and video versions of public speeches, sermons, legal proceedings, lectures, debates, interviews, and other recorded media events. Also includes index to and database of full-text transcriptions of the 100 most significant American political speeches of the Twentieth Century.
  • Associated Press Videos
    Contextualizes speeches for you, plays the speech visual and audio, and gives the transcript.
  • American Presidency Project
    The American Presidency Project (APP), non-profit and non-partisan, is the leading source of presidential documents on the internet. Our archives contain 118,881 documents and are growing rapidly. The APP, hosted at the University of California, Santa Barbara, has been a collaboration between John T. Woolley (UCSB) and Gerhard Peters (Citrus College) since 1999.
  • Douglas: Archives of American Public Address
    Hosted by Northwestern University, this site provides an archive of American speeches ranging from the classic to the obscure. Users may search the archive by time period, speaker, title, or issue. Site also features links for current debates and links to resources for those studying speeches and rhetorical history.
  • Gifts of Speech: Women's Speeches from Around the World

    A collection of speeches made by contemporary women including Maya Angelou, Betty Shabazz, Tipper Gore, Ruth Bader Ginzberg, Andrea Dworkin, Rigoberta Menchú Tum, and Margaret Thatcher, arranged alphabetically by the speaker.
  • Great Speeches in History

    Full text of important speeches, weighted towards European and American history.
  • Greatest Speeches of the Twentieth Century
    A collection of speeches from the Guardian.
  • History Speeches

    This site has 120 Real Audio complete speeches and audio clips. There is a speech for the day and an archive of the other speeches. African-American and women speakers are included. Each speech has an explanation of its place in history.
  • Iowa Public Radio
    Has stump speeches from Iowa State Fair campaign launches.
  • Online Speech Bank

    Index to and database of 5000+ full text, audio and video (streaming) versions of public speeches, sermons, legal proceedings, lectures, debates, interviews, other recorded media events.
  • Weekly Sift
  • Wikipedia List of Speeches
    Includes those that have gained enough notability in English or in English translation to be explored in Wikipedia. Covering speeches from BC to modern times.

  Recommended Speech Database

Speech Database

Lexis/Nexis Academic- In the Search by Subject or Topic, under News, select Broadcast Transcripts  You'll be able to view television, radio, and political transcripts.