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New & Featured Print Books @ NMC Library

The talk / Darrin Bell.
Native presence and sovereignty in college : sustaining indigenous weapons to defeat systemic monsters / Amanda R. Tachine.
Did that just happen?! : beyond
Legacy : a Black physician reckons with racsim in medicine / Uché Blackstock, MD.
A light in the tower : a new reckoning with mental health in higher education / Katie Rose Guest Pryal.
Say the right thing : how to talk about identity, diversity, and justice
Writing across difference : theory and intervention
How does it feel to be a problem? : being young and Arab in America
The undocumented Americans
The new Jim Crow : mass incarceration in the age of colorblindness


Making it Personal: Essays & Memoirs

Ordinary girls : a memoir
¡Hola Papi! : how to come out in a Walmart parking lot and other life lessons
The Fire This Time
Between the World and Me
When they call you a terrorist
Disability visibility : first-person stories from the Twenty-first century
All Boys Aren't Blue
Citizen: an American lyric
Sitting pretty : the view from my ordinary resilient disabled body
Good talk : a memoir in conversations / Mira Jacob.
Sister outsider : essays and speeches / by Audre Lorde


How the word is passed : a reckoning with the history of slavery across America
An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States
Transgender history : the roots of today's revolution
Four hundred souls : a community history of African America, 1619-2019
The 1619 Project: A New Origin Story
The color of law : a forgotten history of how our government segregated America
The warmth of other suns : the epic story of America's great migration
Stamped from the beginning : the definitive history of racist ideas in America


An end to inequality : breaking down the walls of apartheid education in America
The advocate educator's handbook : creating schools where transgender and non-binary students thrive
Stuck improving : racial equity and school leadership
Diversity regimes : why talk is not enough to fix racial inequality at universities
Race dialogues : a facilitator's guide to tackling the elephant in the classroom
Hearing their voices : teaching history to students of color
Courageous conversations about race
The civil rights road to deeper learning
The essentials of special education advocacy
The learning-centered university
The anti-racist writing workshop : how to decolonize the creative classroom


How to they/them : a visual guide to nonbinary pronouns and the world of gender fluidity
Before we were trans : a new history of gender
Sweeter voices still : an LGBTQ anthology from Middle America
Ace : what asexuality reveals about desire, society, and the meaning of sex
Queer career : sexuality and work in modern America
Fine : a comic about gender


We're not broken : changing the autism conversation / Eric Garcia.
Divergent mind : thriving in a world that wasn't designed for you / Jenara Nerenberg.
Visual thinking : the hidden gifts of people who think in pictures, patterns, and abstractions / Temple Grandin
Sensory : life on the spectrum : an autistic comics anthology
Autism & education : the way I see it : what parents and teachers need to know / Temple Grandin.
Unmasking autism : discovering the new faces of neurodiversity / by Devon Price, PhD.