A New Literary History of America by Marcus, Greil and Sollaors, Werner
Call Number: PS92 .N39 2009 REF
ISBN: 9780674035942
Excerpts from American literary works dating back to 1507 including many famous poems from some of America's best known poets.
The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory & Criticism, 2nd Edition by Groden, Michael
Call Number: PN81 .J554 2005 REF
ISBN: 0801880106
The Literature Student's Survival Kit : What Every Reader Needs to Know by Littlewood, Ian
Call Number: PN43 .L585 2006
ISBN: 1405122854
Student friendly volume that outlines the important principles of studying literature from finding information to writing the paper.
Examples of Circulating books from the Collection
The English Handbook: A Guide to Literary Studies by Whitla, William
Call Number: PS25 .W485 2010
ISBN: 9781405183765
Great source for the student new to literary criticism. Provides both theortical and practical information on researching and writing literary criticism.
A Brief History of English literature by Peck, John
Call Number: PR83 .P43 2002
ISBN: 0333791762
Great introduction to the key periods and people of English literature.
Pleasing Myself : From Beowulf to Philip Roth by Kermode, Frank
Call Number: PR99 .K426 2001
ISBN: 0713995181
Series of literary essays by one of the best know literary critics of the modern era.
A Companion to Early Modern Women's Writing by Pacheco, Anita
Call Number: PR113 .C66 2002
ISBN: 0631217029
Comprehensive overview of women writers from the early modern period.
Examples of Ebooks Available Through iLink
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Examines works of British literature written during the American revolution and into the early 19th century, featuring Americans as significant story characters.