Our Course Outcomes
develop a working vocabulary of symptoms, causes, and treatments for the variety of psychopathologies.
analyze psychopathologies using major theoretical perspectives and make connections to evidence-based treatments (Critical Thinking).
communicate their understanding of psychopathology with awareness of audience and sense of purpose (Communication).
discover what psychopathologies teach us about living emotionally healthy lives.
express empathy toward the mentally ill and their families
develop strategies for self-assessment of progress toward these course outcomes.
Our course includes an in-depth study of 12 major topics. Resources for your study can be found on the tabs at the top of this page. Each topic (tab) is organized in the following way:
Focus: This section includes a MindMap that graphically organizes the pertinent information about the topic. It also includes 3 Focus Questions that are intended to guide your study. Use these two documents to focus your study.
Read: web-based text resources to support your study of the MindMap and Focus Questions
View: web-based video resources connected to the MindMap and Focus Questions
Listen: web-based audio resources related to the concepts on the MindMap and Focus Questions
Other Resources: these are links to a variety of other resources related to the topic.
Please remember: All of these resources are related to the Mindmap and will help you formulate responses to the Focus Questions. Use only as many as are necessary to help you understand the concepts from the Mindmap and answer the Focus Questions. There is no expectation that you access all of the resources. Also, you may access other resources not provided. You choose, based on your learning preference, those resources that can best support your learning of the MindMap concepts and Focus Questions.
Abnormal Psychology Course LibGuide was created by a community college professor who wishes to remain anonymous. This work, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-